OSCPA's Key Contact Program helps you educate your local legislators on the issues affecting you and your clients.

This program is an essential grassroots supplement to the Government Relations team's efforts in Ohio and in Washington. The Key Contact Program:

  • Reinforces to legislators that the views expressed by the Government Relations team reflect the views of the legislators' constituents.
  • Heightens a legislator's accountability to his or her constituents and provides a second avenue to influence public policy decisions.
  • Localizes and personalizes the political impact of legislation.

Key Contacts are sbf111胜博发 who recognize the difference that individuals can make in the legislative process. Even a single letter or call from a CPA the legislator knows and trusts can make a huge difference in an issue’s outcome, as can several from sbf111胜博发 they may not personally know.

The responsibilities of a Key Contact are few: OSCPA carefully watches events at the Ohio Statehouse and on Capitol Hill, and when a "hot topic" arises for which we need grassroots input, we activate our Key Contacts. We supply detailed materials that provide the necessary background so you can call or write (snail mail or email) regarding the topic or make personal visits to your legislator.

If you don’t personally know a lawmaker, don’t let that deter you. The Government Relations team will assist you in the process. Also, party affiliation should not be an obstacle. Your legislator represents the entire district, so you need not be member of his or her political party to establish a relationship.


Sign Up Now

Send an email to our Government Relations department or call them at 614-764-2727.
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